Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Proposal for Trap, Neuter, and Release Colonies

Trap, Neuter, and Release Dog Colonies

Site location must be conducive to keeping the colony dogs out of harm’s way. A number one priority in siting a dog colony is a location which will not become a public health hazard.
Community support: Owners of the property on which the colony is located and adjacent neighbors should be contacted and support sought prior to founding any new colonies.
Collect and share contact information, notate perception of community response and professed level of involvement ranging from fine by me, but no help to committed participant.
Evaluate the street dogs for suitability in colony.
Colony Members:
 Healthy, vaccinated, neutered animals showing no signs of aggression towards humans visibly marked or identifiable.
 i.e. collar color coded to the Colony Keeper, the color changing every 1 to 3 years.
Colony Size:
Scientific studies have shown that when a site is over populated, the Ecosystem goes out of balance resulting in disease; until firm numbers for the individual site can be studied, a healthy colony shall be deemed of correct size. Another indicator is increased aggression within the colony.
Colony Keeper responsible for:
Maintaining a healthy colony of non-reproductive animals easily identified as such.
Overseeing that daily access to clean water and food is provided.
Disposing of remains of dead animals or contacting appropriate authority to dispose of remains.
i.e. Dead dog on highway should not be picked up by non-government personnel for health and safety reasons.
Providing appropriate care or contacting appropriate governmental authority to provide said care.
 i.e. Dog hit in road needing immediate euthanasia.
Developing a T-N-R Colony from a pack of street dogs is a project requiring resources in time, energy, and money. A reasonable, but limited timetable for making an acknowledged transition from street dog pack to supported T-N-R Colony shall be from six to eight months.

From the time the Arawaks landed on these shores with their compact hunting dogs, free roaming dogs have been part of island life and culture. A well-known and popular fact is that the Puerto Rican people love their “Satos.”
With the ground swell of support for the humane treatment of the Puerto Rican Island Dogs, the Satos, the volunteers putting fourth personal resources look to the government to honor the GOOD SAMARATAINS, un- paid citizens, by indemnifying and holding harmless their efforts.
We respectfully look to the Mayor of  to work with the citizens to set the standard for the island in cooperation with the community to update a historic relationship with the island dogs; thus providing better health and public safety.
Acknowledging the difficult financial times, we look to the mayor’s office to support the effort by providing venues and resources at your disposal.
Most importantly we look to the Mayor to grant amnesty from live collection of Colony Dogs by any governmental or quasi-governmental agency.

Okay, this is the way I see it. Can I get a witness?!! ;)