Sunday, July 4, 2010

Our Journey Towards Communication

Melissa said...

Interesting post today. This "shaping" has been on my mind lately. I am attending a 4 day camp at Say Yes dog training in Canada this summer. There is no "no" training. No lure training... Actually 2 days of the camp are called "Advances in Dog Training formerly known as Lurer's Anonymous". My new puppy is nearing 3 weeks old and my challenge is to train a puppy without luring. Shaping all the way. I do intend to "install" a stop what you are doing noise. (I love the one I learned from you) That will be the only "correction" this puppy will know if I succeed in my challenge. There will of course be redirection for behaviors I don't want repeated as well. Should be an interesting journey and I am very excited. I have had great success shaping behaviors with my older "kids", there is something amazing about a dog trying hard to figure something out. It's like a dog figuring out to steal food out of the garbage... seems the lesson lasts longer when they have to think.

I love the way you are going with that, Mel.
My experience says keep it simple works best. It’s all about the foundation. The first six months I had Shaker, he learned what good dog really means and fell in love with the sound of “Good Boy” being attached to his name. This dog has great self esteem.

He also learned the stop what you are doing sound. After working with the Puerto Rican street dogs, I wanted to raise a dog trained off lead; no little leash pops. I would take Shaker to the dog park and wait for him to become interested in the chipmunk holes, then I'd give him the stop what you are doing sound.

In the beginning I didn’t wait for him to stop; I told him how wonderful he was in tones no dog can resist. We celebrated every time he came to me instead of digging in that chipmunk hole. Before long he would put his nose to the hole and look at me waiting for his reinforcement.

He learned what I like because I tell him all the time. He does sit so I could introduce him to the public, especially children. You taught him down. I think I asked him to do that only once or twice.

Shaker has been on leash for loads of time out and about in the public. Rules on leash are: do not pull and no cutting in front of me. We use a six foot lead and a flexi; rules are the same.

Tell me what you learn at your seminar about being clear on your goals and breaking it down to doable portions; if anything. Can’t wait to hear about your adventure!

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