Sunday, January 23, 2011

Appreciate A Sato Day

Ha-ha-ha, now I’ve seen everything. Since our return to Puerto Rico, the satos, we know as Stormy and Blondie, have taken to sleeping on our porch at night. Last night the two ladies who live next door to each other came out with a special meal for them.

This little production number begins with each lady holding a good size pot of food. They call sweetly, “Lola! Pinto!” Dog ears pick up, they look at each other. Still holding the pots, they call, “Pinto, Lola!”

The dogs stand looking through the railing. “Pinto, Lola AQUI!” That one was a little short. They see the dogs looking through my railings. The ladies put the pots down and begin waving to the street dogs, “Aqui.”

Clearly, the dogs don’t know what to make of this turn of events. They look at each other, and then head down my driveway. The ladies hail them with “Bueno, bueno, Lola, Pinto!”

The ladies are waving them on telling them about what they have for them. Usually when these women set out leftovers in small containers, left without fanfare. The dogs hesitate to put their heads in the pots, while the ladies stand there. Now, the ladies have an audience of family members watching; they coo, “Bueno, hay que bueno.”

The dogs chow down with gusto; the people sound happy, talking with animation. OMG, this is serious; the meal is followed by petting. They are petting street dogs; you don’t see that too often around here.
Wonder what that's about; don't you?

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